What We Do

We assist adults 19 years of age and over to improve their literacy skills:

  • Assessment to determine learners’ literacy needs
  • Learner and tutor are matched based on the learners’ needs
  • Train volunteer tutors following the guidelines of Laubach Literacy Ontario
  • Create a Learner Plan based on the learners’ needs
  • One-to-one or small group instruction
  • Computer instruction in Basic Computer, Internet, E-mail, Word
  • Workplace and Workforce literacy training
  • Support for both learners and tutors

There is no charge for tutoring but there might be a small fee for materials.

Who We Are:

Niagara Regional Literacy Council, founded in 1978, is a community-based, not-for-profit, organization dedicated to increasing literacy. Our trained volunteer tutors assist adults with reading, writing, numeracy, workplace, computer and life skills.

Our Program:

We provide a flexible learning program that allows learners to progress at their own pace in reaching their individual goals towards self-development; access to improved education and/or greater employment opportunities.

Confidentiality is assured!

Volunteer Tutoring A learner

Our Commitment

  • Our volunteers and learners have the right to courteous and timely service.
  • NRLC guarantees confidentiality of all persons involved in our program.
  • NRLC offers up-to-date materials and technology.
  • NRLC adheres to the policies and by-laws of our organization.
  • NRLC follows the guidelines of Bill 168 – Workplace Harassment and Violence Protection Policy.


To assist adults in achieving a more productive and satisfying life style through literacy upgrading.




Respect, confidentiality and success – to assist adults in the Niagara Region to achieve personal success in literacy within a respectful, supportive and confidential environment.

Man Tutoring A Senior Citizen

Complaint and Resolution Process

  • Complaints must be submitted in writing and must include the date and nature of the complaint.
  • If the complainant is not satisfied with the response from the Executive Director, they may submit a written appeal to the Executive Committee of NRLC’s
    Board of Directors.
  • Complaints will be reviewed by the Executive Director and will acknowledge all complaints within five business days.
  • Complaints and all follow-up information will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Executive Director’s office.
  • The Executive Committee will respond in writing to the complainant within fifteen business days after the written appeal is submitted.
  • The decision of the Executive Committee will be final.

Contact Information:

For further information on our charter, policies and other services provided by NRLC, please contact the Executive Director:

  • By phone 905-684-3500
  • In Person: 285 Bunting Road St.Catharines, ON, L2M 2T9


We love compliments and would appreciate knowing when you are impressed or pleased with the services that we offer.

Please tell us about your positive experiences and we will use your compliments to improve our services and increase the morale of our staff, learners and volunteers.

Small Group Of People Learning Together